Game commands (to type in the chat)

/showhotkeys : Show the hot keys

/firstperson : Switch to 1st/3rd person view

/help [ command ] (optionnal: command ) : Print help

/gameinfo : Show internal client game info

/gamestatus : Show client game status

/tutorial : Show tutorial slide

/console : Display external console

/showbuttons : Display pressed buttons on screen

/save3dmodel : Save a 3d model of the world (outdated)

/showfps : Display/hide frame per seconds

/version : Show game version

/showreplaycontrol : Display/hide replay controls

/shownetgraph : Display/hide net graph inforation

/showall : Disable/enable camera max rendre distance

/screen : Save a screen shot

/gc : Run Java garbage collector

/quit : Quit game and shut down the server.

/whoami : Tells you who you are.

/abandon : Abandon game and shut down the server.

/autobackup [ true/false ] : Enable/disable autobackup

/setblock [ x , y , z , type , dir , liquid ] (optionnal: dir liquid ) : Set block

/save [ save name ] (optionnal: save name ) : Save game (and quit game for survial mods)

/restart : Restart game

/pause : Switch pause of game

/life [ mob id , life ] : Set life of a mob.

/statuslist : List current status

/statusremove [ Status name ] : Remove a status

/give [ player name , object name , quantity ] : Give object to player

/objectlist [ filter ] (optionnal: filter ) : List all object types. Filter with optional argument.

/entitylist : List all entities of the world.

/clearchat : Clear the chat text

/adminlist : Display user rights

/createadmin [ user , rank ] : Set a player to be an admin. The rank define the hierarchy bewteen the admin. The rank 0 is the top of the hierarchy. Admin cannot kick/ban/change right of other admin with lower rank number.

/giveadminright [ user , right ] : Give new right to an admin (SAVE_LOAD, KICK_BAN, CREATE_ADMIN, PROGRAM_CONTROL, KILL_PLAYER, GIVE_ITEMS, PAUSE, TERRAFORMER)

/removeadminright [ user , right ] : Remove right to an admin.

/banlist : Display ban list

/playerlist : Display player list

/kick [ client id , reason ] : Kick client of the server

/ban [ client id , reason ] : Ban client of the server

/remote [ command , arguments 1 , arguments 2 , arguments 3 , arguments 4 , arguments 5 , arguments 6 , arguments 7 , arguments 8 , arguments 9 , arguments 10 ] (optionnal: arguments 1 arguments 2 arguments 3 arguments 4 arguments 5 arguments 6 arguments 7 arguments 8 arguments 9 arguments 10 ) : Execute a remote command to the server.

Command line option (when you start the game)

--connect [ip] : Connect automatically to a server.

--port [port] : Port for the connection.

--user [login] : Specity the login.

--pass [pass] : Specity the password.

--server [mode name] : Start a server. Depending on the mode, you need to specify extra options:

    Survival : Build a fortress and survive as long as possible in a hostile environment.
    Options are :
        Map Type { normal , flat , cliff}
        Difficulty { normal , hard}
        Map size { normal , large (x4) , huge (x16)}

    Building : You have unlimited resources to build your fortress. No monsters.
    Options are :
        Map Type { normal , flat , cliff}
        Map size { normal , large (x4) , huge (x16)}

    Dungon : Roge like version of the game: You need to explore a dungeon and find the amulet of Akweyto.
    Options are :
        *no options*

    Epidemic : Try to containt the zombie epidemic.
    Options are :
        *no options*

    Fortress : Start with 50 coins. You have 5 minutes to organise your fortress.
    Options are :
        Difficulty { normal , hard}
        Map size { normal , large (x4) , huge (x16)}

    Devel : The purpose of this mod is to test new features that might or might not ever been in the game.
    Options are :
        Map Type { normal , flat , cliff}
        Difficulty { normal , hard}
        Map size { normal , large (x4) , huge (x16)}

    Unit tester : Test the weapons again the monsters.
    Options are :
        *no options*

--console true : Open the game console in an external window.

--servername [server name] : Specify the name of the server.

--dedicatedserver true : The server is a dedicated server.

Example of command line option

Start a dedicated building server:
java -jar build_and_defend.jar --console true --dedicatedserver true --server building --servername 'Mega awesome server' --map_type normal --map_size large

Start a dedicated survival server:
java -jar build_and_defend.jar --console true --dedicatedserver true --server survival --servername 'Mega awesome server' --map_type normal --difficulty normal --map_size large

Start a dedicated server and load a previously saved multi player game called 'savename' :
java -jar build_and_defend.jar --console true --dedicatedserver true --load_multi savename

Connect to the server :
java -jar build_and_defend.jar --connect